
Personal approach – 1:1 – Intensive 200h Teacher Training with stay in the ashram
European House of Yoga Light

Starting date: August 15th, 2025 

25 days in the ashram

1 : 1 – Individual training – Personal development in the energy field and with the direct mentoring support of the Teacher

If you feel the need for personal support
If you seek a deeper connection
If you value your privacy
If you feel you deserve the best
If you want to understand and master the greatest secrets of yoga,

this intensive training with individual approach is for you.

European House of Yoga Light offers a focused and intimate environment for your practice.

  • Academic approach – awareness, understanding, management of internal development processes

  • Expertise and responsibility – The training takes place under the leadership of the doyen of yoga, Professor Predrag Nikić, PhD with
    collaborative participation of international yoga experts.

  • Immediate all-day support of the Teacher – energetic, advisory, mental, emotional.

  • Individual approach – YTT takes place in accordance with the possibilities and immediate needs of the student
    contact with a mentor, one on one.

  • EU Ashram Environment – The European House of Yoga Light is located in the beautiful nature reserve of protected area of the Czech Republic.

  • Initiation – the student receives a personal mantra from the Teacher in direct contact.

  • Global Certification: Upon completion, receive an internationally recognized certificate from the Yoga Federation of Europe. This opens doors to establishing your own yoga center worldwide and working as a certified yoga teacher.

Expertise and responsibility

An individual approach allows you to express your values ​​during the introduction session with the mentor, share your thoughts, share with the mentor your needs, intentions and motivation… At the same time, it is an opportunity to ask all the questions you have and get answers about everything related to the training program you enrolled in.

The intensity of the training is seen in the all-day focus on acquiring knowledge.

The day begins with morning kriya techniques, yoga asanas – salutation to the Sun, pranayamas, energy regeneration exercises and meditation.

After the vegan/vegetarian meal, the theory class begins.

During the theoretical classes, the student is introduced to the history and philosophy of yoga; principles of yoga methods and
techniques; areas of application and styles of yoga and the results of scientific research on the application of yoga.

The academic approach allows the application of the techniques to go hand in hand with an understanding of the effects of the techniques
products and to what extent it contributes to our spiritual development.
Mentoring approach allows you to be in the energy field of a role model – mentor, that in his opinion and to the behavior of the proposed application of what is recommended for adoption.

The participant goes through yoga practice every day, which entails: acquiring knowledge that enables correct
implementation of techniques and awareness of their effect. The participant is instructed to understand that the recommended knowledge is applied at every moment of the day and not only in the terms provided for theory or practice. Only when the recommended knowledge comes to life in everyday life is the goal of intensive training achieved, because a transformation took place.

The day ends with a kirtan session and evening meditation.

The price is 4950€.
The price includes:

– 25 days intensive all-day long individual training program (theorical and practical part) with the professional mentorship of yoga doeyan Professor Predrag Nikić PhD
– 25 days accomodation at European House of Yoga Light
– 2 daily vegetarian / vegan meals
– receiving of personal mantra
– initiation and energy support by the Teacher
– preparation for final exam
– final examination
– worldwide recognized certificate
– use of sports field
– use of WiFi

The price does not iclude:

– Transport
– Travel insurance
– Residence tax – paid by each participant at the reception
– Personal expenses
– Meals and beverages at the bakery and pastry shop

How to apply?

For application and information please contact us:
+420 773 922 790

Let there be love and harmony with the environment within us